Intro to audio

Audio recording is a widely used form of media that was once only available in analog formats  via radio or recorded media.   With digital media, audio is now available in a wider variety of format types including digital recordings, livestreaming  and podcasts.

In this section we will learn about:

  1. Characteristics of acoustic or natural sound, such as frequency, amplitude, velocity, wave length and phase
  2. Digital audio and sampling parameters
  3. Audio formats such as MP3 and M4a;
  4. Microphones and other gear
  5. Audio editing
  6. Podcasting platforms
  7. Voice training

Audio editing software includes

How to edit audio  … 

Voice Training 

  1.  Three tips for training your voice — NPR training video a
  2. Trill buzz floss — further tips from NPR’s Jessica Hansen.
  3. Tips for stand-up and live reporting — WBA Newsroom

Podcasting tech 

  1. Starting your own podcast — NPR
  2. Professional sound from a DIY studio – NPR
  3. Podcast hosting platforms review
  4. Audacity – the free audio editing software.
  5. Getting Started with Podcasting
  6. Hands On with Podcasting: Audacity and GarageBand