This is where you take your own photos and display them on your WordPress page.
What you’re graded on:
- Take four or five photos in each of four categories: a) portrait, b) sports / action, c) landscape and d) closeup or other topic of your choice.
- Optimize and level-adjust your photos. (Optimize at around 100 to 700K size, level adjust for best exposure).
Upload the photos in a WordPress gallery. (To create a gallery when you edit a page or post, click on the “add block” cross and look for the gallery format next to the image format. )
- Show that you understand the principles of photo composition you’ve learned in class. Get close to the subject, use dynamic balance, simple backgrounds and leading lines. Look for contrast and repetition.
- Tell a story with your photos. Take closeups, medium and long shots of the same subject and show what is happening. For example, a landscape photo of a beautiful sunset should have several shots of people watching the landscape. A photo of a person might have a closeup, a medium shot doing homework or having fun, and a long shot of them walking to class.
- Don’t just post stuff from your old photo collection. Post photos that you have taken for this assignment.
Photo Gallery 3.1 — Portrait — Take several portraits of a person or pet using good composition and lighting techniques. This should be up close and reveal something about the person’s emotions and nature. Use either the closeup or portrait settings and try to use simple or unfocused backgrounds.
3.2 — Sports / action — Take photos of a sports or news event. This is a shutter priority setting, so you need to have shutter speeds of 1/250 or faster.
3.3 – Outdoors / Landscape — Get out in the landscape and take shots of nature and (if possible) people enjoying it. This is an aperture priority setting, so you can have long distances in focus.
3.4 — Open assignment – Closeup or other topic of your choice.