Digital Imaging COMS 226
"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough." — Robert Capa
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COMS 226 syllabus
Spring 2025 student work
COMS 226
COMS 226 Training videos
Images & ethics
Media Law
1.2 Digital media terminology
1.3 Building a Web site / CMS portfolio
1a Create a WP CMS portfolio
1b Create WP pages & posts
1c Customize your site
1d Create your own header
1e Use WP Widgets & plugins
2 Imaging
2.2 Pixels and resolution
2.3 File formats
2.4 image editors
2.5 Uploading images
2a Create an Image
2b Image size & resolution
2c Image adjust levels (Berlin)
2d Image adjustment perspective (Chartres)
2e Combine images (Julian Alps)
2f Layers & gradients (Balloon race)
2g Repair images basic
2h Text effects
2i Text clipping mask
2j Color substitution
3 Photos
3.2 Digital Cameras
3.3 Photo Composition
3.4 Great Photographers
3.5 History of Photography
3a – 3d Assignments
4 Graphics
4.2 Graphics software
4.3 Working with InDesign
4.4 Publication design checklist
4a Create a simple flyer
4b Create a book cover
4c Interactive pdf / ebook
5 Audio
5.2 Acoustic Audio
5.3 Digital audio
5.4 Audio formats
5.5 Microphones
5.6 Using Audacity
5.6.2 Using Adobe Audition
5.7 Podcasting
5.7.2 Podcasting lab
5a – 5d Audio projects
6 Video
6.2 Editing video
6.3 Embedding video on a web page
6.5 Specialized cameras
6a video
7 Animation
7.1 Simple Animation
7.2 Adobe Animate
7.3 Stop Motion animation
7a Animation with Photoshop
8 Alt Projects
Live streaming video
Drone video
Software by category
Adobe Software
Helpful terms
Free software
Class lectures COMS 226
Training videos by exercise