Q.8 Section 8 quiz



What was  the 1912 law that ensured full time shipboard telegraph operations in wake of Titanic disaster ?   

What was the 1927 law that created the radio frequency licensing system?  How was it amended in 1933?   

If a certain rule had been in effect at the time,  Orson Wells  would have been criminally charged after his 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast.  

Which famous actor got caught up in the outrage over the “Garden of Eden” sketch on NBC in 1938?  

What law or rule says that all candidates for political office must be allowed to advertise on radio and TV, and at the same cost as other candidates?  

Why was the Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ v FCC such a significant case?    

 The ‘safe harbor’ rule requiring time limits on ‘indecent’ content comes from what 1978 case? And who was the comedian involved?  

Name the 1995 law that deregulated large portions of the media marketplace, especially radio. 

In the US v Playboy case (2000), the Supreme Court finally agreed that First Amendment cases involving Cable TV would use what kind of test?   

Although upheld in early cases (such as Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC, 1969), this FCC rule was abandoned in the climate of deregulation of the 1980s and is now (2020s) being reconsidered for social media?  

Fleeting expletives (swear words) on broadcast TV: Are they OK? Could they lead to fines? What were the cases?  

A competing cable company should be allowed to set up an alternative system, the court said in 1986. This is probably going to be revisited with the new 5-G systems coming in the 2020s.   

Under Section 315, broadcasters have to air a candidates remarks even if they are libelous, but the broadcaster is granted absolute immunity from a libel suit under these circumstances.  What was the case?     

What’s it called when a television company also owns a newspaper in the same city? 

Film censorship:  What case denied First Amendment rights to film makers in 1915? 

Film censorship:  What case ended film censorship in 1952?  Why was it called the “miracle” case?  

Film censorship: What was a prominent example of outright racism in film censorship in Virginia in the 1920s? Who was the director / producer whose films were censored by the state?