2.Q Section 2 quiz

Section II  Ethics

 What ethical tradition emphasizes reason and the middle way to get beyond appeals to authority or circular religious arguments? 

What ethical tradition emphasizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people? 

What tradition bases ethical decisions on adherence to rules?  

What tradition says choices should be made in non-self serving way from an unbiased original position?  

 What ethical orientation or loyalty do the following attributes describe? Egalitarian, altruistic, social conservative, economic liberal  

 What ethical orientation or loyalty do the following attributes describe? Elitist, individualistic, economic conservative, social liberal  

What international tribunal brought dozens of Nazi criminals to justice and codified individual ethical responsibilities, saying: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity … is a crime under international law.” 

What American committee recommended that the press be more socially responsible in 1948 ? 

What international committee of 1980 recommended better access to world information markets, better South to South and South to North communication, and better protection for journalists ? 

What professional code of ethics says the following: Seek the truth and report it, Act independently, Be accountable, and Minimize harm and have compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage;  

What professional code of ethics says the following:  tell the truth, substantiate claims, follow the law and loyally represent clients? 

Some advertising may be perfectly legal and yet push social boundaries and images into ethically unacceptable directions. Give examples.