9.Q Section 9 quiz

Section IX – News gathering

What law allows public access to government records?  What are some exceptions to this law? 

What is the law that allows public access to government meetings?  What are some exceptions to this law?  

 What is a law that in some states protects journalists from being forced to reveal their  sources?   

 Is it legal for the press or members of the public to take photos and videos of police and public officials at work?   How unusual is it for journalists to be arrested at the scene of a protest or other kind of police action?  

 A law designed to silence critics of factory farming is called ______. ?  

Student press law: In what 1969 case did the US Supreme Court uphold the right of a student to wear an arm band and say: “It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”  

Student press law: In what 1988 case did the US Supreme Court say that high school students do not have First Amendment rights?   

Pre-trial publicity: What are some of the First Amendment / Sixth Amendment conflicts that may occur?    

Pre-trial publicity: What is ethical to report?  (According to a Virginia Press Association / Virginia Bar Association report).  

Pre-trial publicity: What is NOT ethical to report until facts have been admitted into evidence?   

Pre-trial publicity: Following the SPJ Code of Ethics and the need to minimize harm, what NOT ethical to report unless the individuals decide to come forward and make public statements outside the court room?     

In what 1966 case did the Supreme Court reverse a murder conviction because of pre-trial publicity?   What are courts supposed to do about the news media in sensational cases?  

In what 1976 case did the  Supreme Court strike down “gag orders” as usually  unconstitutional, unless there was: Intense and pervasive publicity and no other alternative measure possible (eg., change of venue, extensive voir dire, etc). 

In what 1980 case did the  Supreme Court say that the right to a public trial was a public right and NOT solely a defendant’s right?  

Why did the Virginia Supreme Court overturn the murder conviction of Jeffrey Allen Thomas in 2002?