Q.11 Section 11 quiz

Section XI  Copyright 

 What is copyright?  

What US agency administers copyright registration? 

 How long does copyright last?   

  What is public domain?  

 What are some examples of public domain?   

What is a creative commons license

What is “fair use” in copyright?  What is the four-part test? 

What does Lawrence Lessig say about copyright jurisprudence, that is, the direction copyright law should go in?    

What was the first copyright law in Britain? In what year was it enacted?

What is this from? “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries” 

Who were among the famous authors who fought for better international copyright laws and treaties?

What treaty now protects copyright on the international level?    

 In what case was the duration of copyright law challenged by a group of academics (including Lawrence Lessig

Compulsory licensing for recorded music began in what year?      

What are performing rights organizations?    

 What are moral rights

What was the controversy over Capitol Records, Inc. v. Thomas-Rasset and Sony v. Tenenbaum?  

 It’s OK to parody music under fair use. But what is a parody? In one major case, the Supreme Court said it was a “substantial transformative value

Copyright infringement allegations can result in immediate take-down orders under what US law

Streaming services were standardized for music licensing under what 2018 law

Who owns a copyright if there is no contract?  This was decided in what case?

Time-shifting through video recording is OK according to what case?

Time-shifting of music performance is NOT OK according to what case?    

 File sharing software can be illegal under what case

 A lawsuit over the parody sequel to a book showed that copyright does not immunize a work from comment and criticism. What were the books?

What was the issue in the Redskins Football trademark name case?   What were the cases?

Who makes decisions when there is a conflict over the trademark of an internet domain name?