Section XII Anti-trust & media structure
What is anti-trust law?
What is another name for anti-trust law?
Why is all this called “anti-trust?”
What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890?
What did monopolies do that led to the Sherman Anti-trust act?
What is a horizontal monopoly?
What is a vertical monopoly?
What is an oligopoly?
What is the conservative “rule of reason” approach to anti-trust law?
What is the mainstream liberal approach to anti-trust law?
What’s the classic “refusal to deal” anti-trust case in which an Ohio newspaper refused to sell advertising to any company that also bought ads on a new radio station?
What case broke up Thomas Edison’s monopoly on film equipment which Edison was using to try to control the movie business?
What major media case involved barriers to entry?
Did the Associated Press have a First Amendment right of association to allow whichever members they wanted?
In what case did the Supreme Court force movie studios like Warner Bros., United Artists, and Paramount to divest vertically integrated holdings in theater chains?
In what case was a radio and television network forced to split into two companies?
What law lifted limits on radio and TV station ownership?