Reporter at work (Botsunen Chosa-thon, Wikimedia commons)
I. Writing & Reporting
- Story concepts / What is news / Where do you start?
- Information gathering / background / reports /
- Interviewing / send email questions first
- Write a basic news story
- How to attribute information and structure quotes
- Cover city beat — city council, courts, police, etc.
- Cover regional govt — planning commission, recycling, trails
- Cover higher ed — activities, sports, curriculum, faculty, admin
- Cover complex stories — transportation, science, environment
- Cover arts, music, theater
- Cover politics and elections
- Write a feature story
- AP Style
- How to turn in copy (on deadline)
II. Editing words, images, audio, video
- Copy editing
- How to critique your friends work
- Know difference fact / opinion
- Write photo, video caption
- Introduce podcast
- Edit photo (Gimp, photoshop)
- Edit & post podcast (Audacity, Audio.com)
- Edit & post Video (Premier, YouTube)

Reporter from CN8 at the Petco gas explosion. (Jonut / Andre Engels, Wikimedia commons)
III. MMJ = Multi-Media Journalism
- Take audio / video on location
- Set up streaming
- Effective lighting design
- Edit photo, audio, video files
- Drone video
- Social media
- Streaming
- Web site & security
- Use social media
- Design for mobile phones / tablets
- Pdfs – InDesign
- Collaborative documents
- Collaborative mapping
- Animation for fun
- Editorial cartoons
IV. Being Professional
- Ethics – SPJ
- Elements of journalism / verification
- Law – libel, privacy, broadcast regs, ad regs, section 230
- Role of govt regulation and protection
- First Amendment
- History – Who were great journalists? Pulitzer, Nelly Bly, Franklin, etc
- Objectivity – Can people be objective? What are objective methods?
- Handling criticism / Fake news, enemies of the people, etc etc
- News deserts and community media
V. The business side of news
- Pitch & write freelance stories
- Create a professional resume & portfolio
- Finding gainful employment
- Community service projects
- Business models
- Accounting, FICA and taxes
- Newsroom management