List of Laws & Treaties

Law DateTopic
Virginia Declaration of Human Rights (state Constitution)1776 History
Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom1786 History
US Constitution1787History & Foundation document of US law
Bill of Rights1791 History - First 10 Amendments to US Constitution
Alien & Sedition Acts1798 History - Intended to stop dissent (Expired 1800)
Copyright Act of1831 Extended protection to 42 years
Comstock Laws1873 Prior Restraint - Intended to stop indecency and obscenity
Berne Convention1886 Copyright International treaty
Sherman Anti-Trust Act1890 Anti-trust regulation of monopolies
Food & Drug Act1906 Advertising - Establishes Food and Drug Administration
Copyright Act1909 Extended protection to 56 years also compulsory licensing & musical devices
Radio Act1912 Broadcasting regulates ship radios (following Titanic disaster)
Federal Trade Act1914 Advertising - Established Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Anti-Trust Act1914 Anti-trust expands and clarifies Sherman Act
Sedition Act1918 Prior restraint - Intended to stop dissent during WWI
Radio Act1927 Broadcasting establishes?Federal Radio Commission? begins licensing
Communications Act1934 Broadcasting sets up Federal Communications Commission? supersedes ?FRC
Equal Time Rule (Section 313)1935Broadcasting Political advertising rule by FCC
Lanham Act1946Advertising and trademarks
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations)1947 International - especially Article 19
Fairness Doctrine1949Broadcasting (superseded)
European Convention on Human Rights1953 International
Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act1970 Advertising for tobacco banned on TV - Health warnings mandatory
Newspaper Preservation Act1970 Anti-trust allowed monopoly newspapers
Copyright Act1976 Berne convention & author's life + 50
Childrens Television Act1990 Broadcasting regulated advertising to youngsters
Telecommunications Act1996 Broadcasting restructured broadcast industry
Communications Decency Act1996Internet - struck down in Reno v ACLU
CDA Section 230 1997 Shields ISPs from liability for 3rd party action
Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act1998 authors's life + 70 & corporate works 95 to 120
Digital Millennium Copyright Act1998Copyright protection stronger
Stop Online Piracy Act2012 Draconian rules against infringement (not passed)
Food, Drug, Cosmetic Act 1938Advertising -Expanded FDA authority